The Stress-Free Way To A Pest-Free Wisconsin Home

Truly Nolan tech doing an inspection

Having pests in your home can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. Not only can unwanted pests cause damage to your home, but they can also spread dangerous diseases and viruses. If rodents or insects have invaded your home, you may need the help of an experienced Wisconsin pest control specialist. At Truly Nolen, we know how to eliminate all of the pests commonly found in Wisconsin and prevent them from returning to your home.

Truly Nolan tech doing an inspection

The Many Pests That Can Try To Invade Your Home

There is a wide range of pests that can invade your Wisconsin home. Some of the most common types of pests that you are most likely to see include:

  • Ants: The carpenter ant and the pavement ant are the most common types of ants found in Wisconsin. The carpenter ant likes to consume wood and can be as destructive as a termite.
  • Cockroaches: You can have an entire cockroach infestation inside your home before you even realize it. These filthy insects are known to spread dangerous diseases to people and can hide in hard-to-reach places in your home.
  • Spiders: The black widow and the brown recluse are the only venomous spiders in Wisconsin. The black widow spider has a shiny black body with a red-orange marking on its abdomen in the shape of an hourglass. The brown recluse spider has a brown body with a dark marking on its back, shaped like a violin. All other spiders found in Wisconsin may be a nuisance, but for the most part, they are harmless.
  • Rodents: The roof rat, Norway rat, and house mice are the most common rodents found in homes. All three of these rodents can damage your home and spread dangerous diseases.
  • Bed bugs: These tiny, round bugs are not known to spread any diseases. However, they can leave an itchy bite on your skin that can become infected.

Most of the pests on this list are not aggressive. However, they can still be dangerous, which is why it is essential to gain control of these pests and prevent them from roaming around freely in your home.

Protect Your Family's Health And Your Property From Damage

Carpenter ants and rodents can cause a lot of damage to your home. Rodents are known to chew on the electrical wiring in your home, which could be a potential fire hazard. 

Most of the other pests found in Wisconsin can spread deadly diseases to your and your family. Some of the illnesses you could catch include leptospirosis, E. coli infection, salmonellosis, and hantavirus. Spreading these illnesses, directly and indirectly, can cause illness. This is why fast and effective residential pest control is so important. 

Effective Pest Control Techniques By Educated Professionals

If a pest can detect food or water around your property, they will instantly become attracted to your home. Many pests will come into your home during the winter to escape the frigid cold temperatures. 

If you want to prevent pests from coming into your home, try these easy prevention tips:

  • Keep tight-fitting lids on your indoor and outdoor trash cans.
  • Sweep and vacuum your floors, wipe your counters, and clean off your kitchen table regularly to make sure that no food crumbs are lying around.
  • Keep all food in an airtight container.
  • Fix any leaky pipes immediately.
  • Keep the grass in your yard cut short, and cut back any bushes and shrubs away from your home.

It is much easier to prevent pests from entering your home than to eliminate pests that have found their way inside.

You Have Better Things To Do Than Worry About Pest Control

If you notice any pests in your Wisconsin home, call us as soon as possible. At Truly Nolen, our number-one goal is to keep our customers safe. We go above and beyond to offer total home protection and pest control

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