Useful Tips To Help Grow Your Ohio Pest Control Franchise

Truly Nolan tech in front of truck

Are you ready for another jam-packed article of pest control tips? Today, we're going to look at customer service, marketing, team training, and some of the benefits that come with choosing the right franchise. If you offer pest control in Ohio and are looking to franchise, or you want to start a brand new pest control company, you'll find some great information here. 

Truly Nolan tech in front of truck

Excellent Customer Service Is The Foundation Of A Good Business

There are few aspects of a pest control business that are as important as customer service. Excellent customer service creates happy customers. Happy customers can be turned into subscription customers, and subscription customer retention is dependent on excellent customer service. At every point, customer service has a big impact on your bottom line.

Don't Underestimate The Value Of Good Marketing

A business that spends less than 5% of its revenue on marketing is not expected to grow. A 5-7% marketing expense can expect to yield a slight and steady growth. A business that spends 8-10% of revenue on marketing can expect to grow 10-20% in revenue.

There is a strong correlation between how much a company spends on marketing and how much revenue is generated. In the pest control industry, this is even more evident.

A Good Team Is The Backbone Of A Good Business

You know how important your team is to the success of your business, but many steps you take to help build a good team aren't as straightforward as you might think.

  • A vision statement helps your team understand why what you do is so important. For instance: you provide a vital service for the community and protect residents and businesses from pest-related health concerns and property damage. All of their efforts are worth it.

  • It feels good to be part of a professional team. Foster that feeling by promoting the need for ongoing training and certifications. You want your employee to be proud to work for you.

  • Happy employees are more likely to create happy customers. Consider the needs of your employees and offer benefit packages and perks that make life a whole lot nicer for them.

We could give you many more examples, but you get the idea. Everything you do to support your team and build team spirit will pay off in the end.

A Trusted Franchise Offers A Rewarding Support System

When you go with the right franchise, you get the help you need to address all of the factors we've talked about today.

Excellent Customer Service

You have access to pest programs that have already been field-tested so your customers are going to be happy with the results. You're directed toward software that helps with collections, lead flow, and service data. These make your business run like a well-oiled machine.


When your franchise purchases national or local marketing, you benefit. You'll also have access to custom marketing materials for your own marketing efforts.

Team Building

It feels good to be associated with a quality brand and to drive around in sharp-looking service vehicles. Your franchise can also provide online training to provide support for every position in your company, particularly your technicians working out in front.

Get the support you need for your Ohio pest control business by seeking out a franchise opportunity with Truly Nolen. We provide all the benefits listed here and more. For more information, hop over to our contact page and reach out to us. We look forward to helping you fulfill the dream of owning a successful pest control business or to reach your personal business growth goals.

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