Answering Your Questions About Pest Control Franchises

Truly Nolan tech answering questions

It is likely that you know what a franchise is. Companies like McDonald's and Walmart have made the terminology a household word. When a business becomes successful, it may choose to offer franchise opportunities to other businesses. This happens in food, retail, hospitality, real estate, travel, pest control, and many other industries. As a pest control company with over 80 years of experience, and one that offers franchise opportunities, the team here at Truly Nolen knows quite a bit about how things work. Today, we're going to share answers to common questions we get regarding pest control franchises. If you have questions, you may find answers here.

Truly Nolan tech answering questions

What experience do I need to own a pest control franchise?

If you already have the appropriate licenses, and the training required for those licenses, you don't need much more than that. Most companies that offer franchises are looking for hardworking, trustworthy people with good management skills. You don't have to be college-educated or have years of experience in the industry.

What licenses do I need?

It varies from state to state, with every state requiring a typical business license on top of the certifications needed for pesticide applications. If you're in Texas, as an example, you will need to get certification as a commercial applicator and secure a business license from SPCS for each location, in accordance with the Structural Pest Control Act. Once you've done this, you'll need to apply for insurance that covers property damage and personal injury. (Make sure this insurance meets all state requirements for a structural pest control business.) After these steps, you'll be allowed to apply for a Structural Pest Control Business License. As of this writing, the fee for this registration is $300.

How much does it cost to be a franchise?

The cost varies depending on the franchise you desire to purchase. It would be of no benefit to give you a specific figure because that figure may not apply to you. What is important to know is that it costs money to start any business. When you seek to own a franchise, there are costs involved. But these costs can be added to your business plan as any other costs would be. You'll also be able to add all of the benefits your franchise will provide. This can make your business plan more viable when you seek to acquire a business loan. More than this, some franchise companies will actually help you secure the financing required to get started.

What are the benefits of buying a franchise?

Once again, this depends on the franchise. Truly Nolen offers a long list of benefits, including:

  • Use of our bold and effective branding.

  • Leasing options for vehicles and equipment.

  • Access to online training.

  • Access to on-staff entomologists and industry experts.

  • Access to an asset library that includes print-ready marketing materials and the option to create custom materials as needed.

  • Pre-negotiated vendor rates, discounts, rebates, and much more.

  • Guidance on selecting essential tools, such as PestRoutes, PestPac, Google My Business, and more.

Are there any franchise opportunities near me?

If you're considering investing in a Truly Nolen franchise, the first step is to check out our franchise opportunities page. This page outlines market availability. If there is a franchise opportunity in your state and in your region of the state, you'll be able to find out. Keep in mind that things change rapidly and availability may not always be reflected appropriately on this page. Use it only as a starting reference. You can also choose to bypass this step and just reach out to us. We're happy to talk with you and discuss your options.

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