A Helpful Outlook On Growing Your Pest Control Business In Maine

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You've made the decision to invest in a business that is part of a thriving industry. You've chosen to be in pest control. This was a wise decision. Maine residents and business owners are always going to need pest control. Those bugs and rodents aren't going away anytime soon! But you may have noticed that people aren't necessarily knocking your door down. While they're in need of pest control, they may not know that you have the solutions they're looking for. Today, we're going to take a look at a few key things that successful pest control companies do that you might not be doing.

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Are You Visible On Google?

When Mainers look for a pest control company, where do they go first? Many will do a search on Google. Or, surprisingly, they'll look to Google Maps for pest control companies near them. Google Maps provides lots of information, including ratings. If you're not visible on Google, you will have a difficult time competing with other pest control companies in your area. How do you fix this? You hire a search engine optimization (SEO) expert. When you do, make sure you find a company that also provides website creation and optimization. Your website needs to be properly structured so that Google can properly evaluate it for listing. 

There are many factors Google takes into consideration, but one of the most important is relevancy. Google checks to see how popular your page is with people who visit. There are many ways to boost your relevancy. One that we've found to be the best is the implementation of a pest control blog. This provides ongoing and interesting content that draws viewers to your site. Not only does this content help you connect with potential customers, but it also creates key metrics that Google looks for to evaluate the relevance of your company. As you select a company to help you with your search engine optimization, be sure to get one that provides creative content.

Are You Taking Advantage Of Social Media?

In the old days, small companies would purchase air time on local television to get themselves in front of the public. While this is still the case, social media and video sites have become popular ways to reach a local audience with videos and other media content. If you hire a company that offers video production, media content, and social media management, you can get a lot more mileage with your ad dollars than you ever will by purchasing only television air time.

Are You A Part Of A Franchise?

When you purchase a franchise, you get a long list of benefits, not the least of which is name recognition. If a Maine resident or business owner needs pest control, they won't necessarily select the company that is closest to them. They also will not necessarily select a company with the highest rating. They'll be drawn to names they recognize and companies they trust. They'll also be attracted to strong branding. Clear and well-defined branding will help you stand out from the competition.

How We Can Help

At Truly Nolen, we offer franchise opportunities to pest control business owners as well as individuals looking to start a business in the pest control industry. If you already have a business, we can help you grow your business by sharing our brand with you and by guiding you in finding the right professionals to help you with SEO and social media campaigns. Reach out to us and find out if there is a franchise opportunity still available where you live in Maine.

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