Why North Carolina Customers Value Eco-Friendly Pest Control

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It's funny how things change. Pest control has been around in one form or another since the beginning of human history. And, for centuries, the methods used to control pests were environmentally friendly. Then, there was a shift. In the middle of the 1900s, there was widespread use of man-made chemical pest control products. Some of the products used were quite dangerous and potentially harmful to the environment. As knowledge increased, and awareness grew regarding the dangers of toxic chemicals, more and more companies abandoned their use and adopted eco-friendly solutions. Truly Nolen was one of those companies. At Truly Nolen, we continue to put a strong emphasis on eco-friendly pest control, and we're excited to hear that many North Carolina customers share our convictions. Why do North Carolina customers value eco-friendly pest control? Here are a few possible reasons.

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1. Safe For Kids And Pets

Anyone raising a family is likely to understand the merits of eco-friendly pest control. This form of pest control is not just safe for the environment, it can be applied in sensitive areas without presenting a risk to kids or pets. Here's why:

  • Mechanical exclusions work to naturally seal pests out of homes without the need for chemical products. They can also be used to manage where potential pests are allowed to be, through the use of fences and barriers.

  • Cultural modification uses the science of altering habitats to prevent breeding and feeding. This reduces pest populations and pest activity.

  • When products are needed, botanical aerosols, and borate-based powders can be used with little or no toxicity to humans or animals.

  • Pest maintenance, such as the removal of spider webs, prevents eggs from hatching near homes and reduces the chance of unwanted entry.

2. Long-Lasting Impact

Unlike chemicals, the systematic implementation of a multi-pronged, eco-friendly pest program can have a long-lasting impact. As an example, some mechanical exclusions can last for years. This provides a high level of efficacy between pest control visits.

3. Targeted Control

Many of the products used in eco-friendly pest control are targeted. That means they won't interfere with beneficial insects or animals that visit a property. The use of termite bait, for instance, is created to stop the molting process. When termites are unable to molt, they can't develop. This leads to colony elimination, without the need for toxic chemicals to be poured into the ground around a structure.

4. Eco-Friendly Can Be More Effective

Some North Carolina customers may be aware that certain pests have a natural resistance to pest control chemicals. Insects like the bed bug and the German cockroach are highly resistant to conventional treatments, due to exposure and natural adaptation. But, natural treatments, such as heat remediation for bed bugs, eliminate all bed bugs, even the ones that are resistant to chemicals.

Give Your Customers The Best

There are many reasons why North Carolina customers would want eco-friendly pest control. It's a safer, smarter way to manage pests. If you have customers that want this level of protection, you'll have the tools you need if you invest in a Truly Nolen franchise in North Carolina. At Truly Nolen, our commitment to eco-friendly pest control is one of the highest in the industry and it has earned us the distinction of being named the company with the Strongest Environmental Commitment for 2018 by Pest.org.

This is just one of the many ways we help our franchise businesses succeed. If you'd like to learn more about Truly Nolen, or find out if there is a franchise opportunity near you, connect with us today. We look forward to meeting you.

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