How To Run A Successful Pest Control Business In Iowa

Truly Nolan tech inspecting a home

There is a lot to running a business, particularly a pest control business. There are a lot of moving parts. You know this. You also know that it is an uphill battle to get the word out and to grow your business. When you look at the business landscape, you'll find small pest control businesses that have been around a long time, and you'll find large pest control businesses that have only been around for a decade. What makes that large company different from the small company? It might only be that the small company didn't want to grow. But you know that is probably not the case. Most of the time, a business doesn't grow because the business owner doesn't know how to make a successful plan. Whether your measure of success is how many employees you have and how much revenue you make or you simply want to manage a small team that offers a valuable service for your community, the secret to success is the same.

Truly Nolan tech inspecting a home

1. Manage Your Image

We live in the age of information, and it is easier than ever to have your reputation tarnished. But one thing hasn't changed. The best way to protect your image is to provide a good experience for your customers. Here are some suggestions for you and your employees.

  • Be prompt. Your customers feel valued when you show up when you say you're going to show up.

  • Be friendly. You never know what kind of day your customer is having. If you bring a smile to their door, even when they don't, you can make a big impact.

  • Be attentive. It helps to be concerned about what concerns your customer, even if you don't think it is a cause for concern.

  • Be professional. There are many facets to this. The bottom line is that you make an impression on your customers every time you show up. There should always be a level of formality. Don't take advantage of your customer's hospitality.

  • Be a hard worker. If you are in work mode the entire time you're with your customer, you're going to make a big impression.

  • Be ready. Your customer is looking for a solution to a pest problem. Ongoing training and certifications can help you be prepared to provide your customers with expert service.

  • Be responsive. When your customer calls with a complaint or criticism, be responsive to their needs and offer options to address or correct any legitimate issues.

  • Keep detailed records.

Once you've done what you can to maintain great customer relations, you need to set your mind to the task of damage control. Inevitably, customers will leave bad reviews or complaints with the BBB. Someone in your business should be tasked to monitor this and address online concerns.

2. Chart A Course

When a ship leaves the harbor, it is guaranteed to not reach its destination if it has no course chartered. Do you have a destination? Have you set goals to help you get to your destination? There is no greater way to ensure success than to take the time to create a solid business plan.

  • A quality website is the backbone of a successful business.

  • Hiring a search engine optimization (SEO) specialist can help you climb the search engines and be seen.

  • Hiring a marketing agent can help you get your business plugged into social media and drive traffic to your website.

  • Training your employees to turn one-time customers into subscribers will help you succeed.

Steps like these can help you meet growth goals.

You Don't Have To Do It Alone

Running a business is hard work and growing a business is even harder. If you operate your business in Iowa (or you haven't started your business yet), consider joining the Truly Nolen network of businesses. As of this writing, we have franchise opportunities in Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Dubuque, Iowa City, and Waterloo-Cedar Falls.

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